Gilets Jaunes Act 5 X Opéra de Paris (The calm before the storm)

Tomorrow will be the fifth Saturday that the Gilets Jaunes (as the French call them, referring to protesters wearing yellow vests), and today, the employees of the Paris Opera received an email from the Direction informing us of its decision of remaining the two theatres (Garnier and Bastille) open during this 5th day of riots in Paris.

Then, we received another email with this metro map indicating which stations will be closed by the Police Station tomorrow:image001

Tonight, in the corridors of the Opera Garnier:
” -Are they serious? They’re keeping the theatres open?

-Yes they are! Haven’t you read that email? They don’t seem to care about our security! -The Matignon (performance for which the Prime Minister is invited, planned to take place Saturday afternoon) is cancelled! Of course it is…. they care about the Prime Minister’s safety, and we are nobody so they don’t ever care! I am not coming tomorrow, I will be a minister for one day… How are we actually supposed to come to the Opera?

-Indeed….. All the metro stations around are closed! No taxi will be available, the parkings around will also be closed. Seriously, we’ll need a helicopter and a parachute!

-Maybe we will succeed arriving into the Opera, together with all the staff working for La Dame aux Camélias, but then we will have no audience! Isn’t it? Who would come to watch La Dame, given that they will have to go through the crowds of Gilets Jaunes in their high heels and suits?

-…… ”


Dear metro station Chaussée d’Antin Lafayette, still open here, what would Chun do without you tomorrow?
With a freezing 2 degrees weather tomorrow, dear Gilets Jaunes, mind your lower back while throwing back the tear gas grenade towards the Police! You may need a proper warm-up session with us at the Opera.

2 thoughts on “Gilets Jaunes Act 5 X Opéra de Paris (The calm before the storm)

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  1. Soyez prudent Chun et faites attention à vous! :-/ … nous sommes tous attristés de toutes ces violences qui épuisent les gens. ça ne se passe pas toujours comme ça à Paris.
    Bonne journée quand même 🙂


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